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The Coaching Habit

by Michael Bungay Stanier (Segment 2)

Welcome back, bitches! In this Bitchin’ Books for Business, segment 2 of The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stainer I start in Chapter 4, discussing the question, ‘WHAT DO YOU WANT?!’ The author discusses the difference between wants and needs and some fascinating neuroscience including Rosenberg’s 9 Universal Needs. In essence, the chapter is about how to have the conversation with your people to understand what they WANT (and need), and how to make that conversation safe. When we don’t feel safe, we can’t make good decisions. I muse on the likelihood that I probably don’t feel like the ‘safest’ person to work for…. *sigh* IMO, Michael is basically just trying to save me from myself, and to give me the tools to keep my team members (and anyone else I’m attempting to lead aka my small people) OUT of Fight or Flight so they can access their whole brains.

Until next time, bitches!

XOXO Torre

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